Western Chess Chronicle
Vol. I, No. 1, November, 1935 (E. JP. Elliott and G. S. G. Patterson, former Southern California Champion, tied for 1st in the Los Angeles City Championship; a match will determine the winner. A short history of the Hollywood Chess Club from 1933-1935; Jose Capablanca gave a 30-board Simultaneous Exhibition in 1934. Irving Spero gave a 10-board Simultaneous Exhibition at the Hollywood Chess Club and scored 9 wins and 1 loss. Mr. Gordon won the Hollywood Chess Club Rapid-Transit Tournament.)
Vol. I, No. 5, March, 1936 (Herman Steiner gave a 20-board Simultaneous Exhibition at the formal opening of the spacious and richly furnished new club rooms of the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club. Missing pages 116-117.)
Vol. I, No. 8, June, 1936 (Transcription of the North vs South Team Match.)
Vol. 1, No.9, July, 1936 (A. C. Simonson won the 7th Annual Morphy Day Chess Carnival Rapid Transit Tourney ahead of Herman Steiner. At the same event, Los Angeles City Champion E. P. Elliott gave a 30-board Simultaneous Exhibition and scored 21 wins, 2 draws and 7 losses and former Ohio State Champion Irving Spero gave a 26-board Simultaneous Exhibition and scored 18 wins, 3 draws and 5 losses.)