The California Chess Reporter

(Volume XI Number 3, November 1961)


The forfeit in the 12th game at Los Angeles which gave Sammy Reshevsky an unsatisfactory technical victory over Bobby Fischer has brought forth many kibitzers who feel compelled to find a culprit. There has been much reckless criticism of persons who figured in the chain of events which led to the debacle, and some of it must have hurt. We feel obliged to say something on behalf of one of the figures who, so far, has not put up a defense.

Mrs. Gregor Piatigorsky does not really need defending. She has quietly supported chess for many years without ever misusing the privileges of a patron. Recently, however, she has been blamed for changing the schedule of the match and there have been wild charges regarding the pernicious influence of the dollar in chess.

The REPORTER hereby casts a vote of continuing confidence in Jacqueline Piatigorsky and regrets that her motives (and also those of Irving Rivise, the referee in Los Angeles) have been so grossly and falsely impugned.

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