Hayward Daily Review, Sunday, December 10, 1967


by richard shorman

   One profoundly engaging aspect of chess is the underlying resilience of most positions, however difficult the situation may appear to be on the surface. Determination and resourcefulness will usually win out - within reason, of course - even when things look bleakest.

   The following game is rich in tactical nuances, although much of the play occurs in the notes.

White: Mike Tritch. Black: Louis Osternig.
Hayward Chess Club Championship, 1965.
French Defense

1 P-K4 P-K3

2 P-Q4 P-Q4

3 N-QB3 N-KB3

4 B-N5 B-K2 (a)

5 P-K5 KN-Q2

6 P-KR4 (b) P-OB4 (c)

7 BxB QxB (d)

8 N-N5 Q-Q1 (e)

9 N-Q6ch K-K2

10 Q-R5 Q-R4 (e)

11 P-B3 P-KN3

12 Q-N5ch P-B3

13 Q-R6 R-B1 (g)

14 Q-N7ch (h) K-Q1

15 KPxP (i) N-B3 (j)

16 B-N5 PxP (k)

17 BxN (l) PxB

18 P-QN4 (m) Q-R6

19 R-R3 PxP

20 Q-K7ch (n) K-B2

21 N-K8ch RxN

22 QxR QxNP 

Resigns (o) 

a. Black prefers to avoid the complications arising from 4... B-N5 5 P-K5 P-KR3 6 B-Q2 (best) BxN 7 PxB N-K5 8 Q-N4 P-KN3. An even simpler defense than the text, however, is 4... PxP (the Burn variation), with the probable continuation, 5 NxP B-K2 6 BxN BxB 7 N-b3 N-Q2.

b. After this strong move, popularized by the late world champion, Alexander Alekhine, Black must play very accurately to stay alive.

c. White obtains a strong attack after 6... BxB 7 PxB QxP 8 N-R3 Q-K2 9 N-B4 P-QR3 10 Q-N4. Best is 6... P-KR3! 7 B-K3 P-QB4 8 Q-N4 K-B1 9 N-B3 N-QB3 10 0-0-0 P-B4!, with a complex game.

d. Curiously, this natural recapture is actually inferior to 7... KxB! I.A. Horowitz in "Chess Openings: Theory and Practice," cites 8 Q-N4 K-B1 9 N-B3 PxP 10 QxQP Q-N3 11 QxQ PxQ 12 B-N5 N-QB3 13 BxN PxB 14 K-Q2 K-K2 as Black's equalizing line.

e. Struggling to avoid material loss, Black falls under enduring attack and incurs serious positional disadvantage as well. A more enterprising course, though insufficient in the long run, involves sacrificing the exchange: 8... 0-0 9 N-B7 PxP 10 NxR P-B3 11 QxP N-B3 12 Q-Q2 PxP 13 0-0-0 N-B3 14 P-KB3 Q-Q3 15 N-K2 B-Q2 16 N-B3 RxN 17 N-K4! (Bronstein-Stahlberg, Budapest, 1950).

f. Black offers more stubborn resistance with 10... Q-BI, e.g., 11 R-R3 N-QB3 12 R-KB3 N-Q1 13 N-R3 PxP!

g. Paying the penalty for his impetuous Queen check.

h. Black get counterplay after 15 QxPch K-Q1 16 QxP PxQP 17 N-K2 PxBP 18 NPxP P-Q5 19 R-R3 NxP 20 Q-R6 N/1-Q2 21 Q-Q2, but White still has the upper hand.

i. Loses his grip on the position. Correct is 15 N-B3, maintaining the bind, e.g., 15... PxKP (if 15... N-B3, then 16 B-N5 leaves Black in virtual "Zugzwang") 16 NxKP PxP 17 NxN NxN 18 B-N5 PxP 19 0-0! PxP 20 QxQNP, with plenty of compensation for the two pawns.

j. Or simply 15... RxP, preserving the balance.

k. Here 16... RxP is not so good: 17 BxN PxB 18 n-b3.

l. Better is 17 N-K2! White wins after 17 N-K2 RxP? 18 NxQP NxN 19 BxN!, but 17... PxP! 18 PxP RxP (18... P-Q5 19 0-0 PxP 20 KR-Q1, threatening 21 NxPch) 19 0-0 leaves the issue still in doubt.

m. The losing move. Essential is 18 N-K2.

n. White no longer has any good moves left; 20 N-K2 succumbs to 20... Q-N7 21 R-B1 (21 R-Q1 B-R3) Q-Q7ch 22 K-BI B-R3.

o. There is no escape from the combined threats of P-B7ch, Q-N7 and B-R3.

Rapid Transit Tournament

   The Hayward Chess Club, 2058 D St., will hold its final rapid transit tournament of the year Monday, Dec. 11, at 8 p.m. Entry fee is only 35 cents.

Amateur Open Championship

   The second annual Bay Area Amateur Open Championship will be held in the Rose Room of the Oakland Central YMCA, 2101 Telegraph Ave., on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 16-17. Trophies and cash prizes ($400 guaranteed) will be awarded. Entry fee for this five-round Swiss system tourney is $10 for adults and $5 for juniors (under 15), plus membership in the United States Chess Federation. Advance registrations may be mailed to Oakland Chess Club (Amateur Open), P.O. Box 1622, Oakland, Calif. 94604.

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